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About NLAO

At NLAO, our mission is simple: to protect and enhance vision care for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.


We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality eye care, and we work to support optometrists in delivering the best possible services to their patients.

Optical Glasses

Our Commitment

Our Priorities

1 / Advocate

We aim to promote Optometry and eye health care through advocacy


The NLAO will demonstrate the value of quality vision care for all stakeholders in Newfoundland and Labrador.



  1. Increased advocacy activities targeted towards the Government

  2. Increased marketing and public relations

  3. Increased interaction with other health care professionals

  4. Increased evidence and outcome sharing with all stakeholders

2 / Educate And Support

Encourage and facilitate Optometrists to practice to the highest level of their education


The NLAO will support members and demonstrate value of membership in the Association



  1. Increased collaboration with the NL College of Optometrists to ensure that Members work to full scope of practice

  2. Innovative continuing education programs and improved professional development opportunities

  3. Increased interaction with new graduates or new members to support first years of practice

  4. Increased interaction with members through an enhanced communications plan

3 / Communicate

Engage in clear and effective communication with members, patients and the public.


Increase the appreciation of the benefits of quality vision care for all stakeholders in Newfoundland and Labrador



  1. Increased communication with government, patients, public and other health professionals

  2. Increased public relations and more interaction with other health professionals

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